Beauty surrounds us, but we usually need to be walking in a garden to know it - Rumi
The Gospel reading on Sunday reminds us to: “Beware of false prophets which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves.” Matthew 7:15
We are faced with false prophets, in the form of temptations every day. “Buy this product it will make you younger, older, healthier, more attractive or less attractive. This offer is so good that we will have to end it in 24 hours! So buy now!!” My old granny used to say: “If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.” Those sorts of temptations we can usually deal with quite easily but there are others more subtle which are perhaps not so easy to decide. For example, you might be offered a job, may be a promotion, that you feel is just made for you. The only problem is that it is on the other side of the country. It is a tempting offer but a long way from friends and family and everything you know and trust. Should you take it? This is where discernment comes in. Obviously you will need to think long and hard, talk to family, and perhaps a trusted friend. Make a list of the advantages on one column of a sheet of paper and the disadvantages on the other. When Jesus restored the sight of Bartemaeus He said to him “Go your way, your faith has saved you” Mark 10:52. We, who are sighted, often feel that every blind person would want to be able to see as we can. Yet think about it. Up to now Bartemaeus has not had to worry about getting about, someone will lead him; he has not had to worry about earning a living to support his family, someone else will help him. Now having been restored to sight he has to take on all those cares and worries that beset us all. It was some big deal for him to want to be restored to sight but he had faith in Jesus’ ability, he trusted him. In the same way God loves you and wants what is best for you and so you know that you can trust Him. Therefore there is every reason to include Him in your decision making process. Ask yourself: What does God want me to do? Talk to Him, ask Him and listen for His reply. We can and we must: Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. Proverbs 3:5 KJV. That is the only way to deal with wolves in sheep’s clothing.
Steve Givens
23/7/2018 03:34:32 pm
Thanks, Peter. This kind of ongoing discernment is the work of our lives. Everyday, another decision!
23/7/2018 04:20:12 pm
As someone who used to shop a lot, I am sensitive to the allure of the temptation of a "good deal." I get emails all the time advertising sales and whatnot - and I often open them, going to the link. I get there and think about how a new dress/shoes/a skin cream/a kitchen appliance will all make my life better... and then I stop. The power of a pause can make a difference.
25/7/2018 12:04:03 pm
Thanks Fran. Do you think Someone is tapping you on the shoulder asking you to think Do I really need this?
30/7/2018 01:06:49 pm
YES - I do think someone is often tapping me on the shoulder! And typically, almost 100% of the time, the answer is no. This past week I was able to have 5 large sacks of books and other items leave the house, set for donation. It felt so good. And nothing new came in! :-)
30/7/2018 01:28:08 pm
Great, now someone else will enjoy the books! A physical clear out..... and a spiritual one?
25/7/2018 12:06:10 pm
Thanks Steve. Yes. So long as we listen to what He says.
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AuthorI am an Authorised Local Preacher in an Anglo Catholic parish church, in the Diocese of Essex UK Archives
February 2022